The Confédération Africaine de Football (CAF) is the administrative and controlling body for African association football; it represents the national football associations of Africa, runs continental, national, and club competitions. CAF is the biggest of the six continental confederations of FIFA, it was established in 1957.

This is to inform you that CAF is currently pursuing a prequalification process for all the service providers / suppliers, who are interested to be registered in CAF Vendor Database and participate in future tenders.

Accordingly, if you are interested, please indicate your area of interest, company’s area of expertise, and submit to us the documents that are authentic as listed below for vendor registration purposes:

a.        a copy of valid commercial registration or trading license equivalent

b.       a copy of valid tax registration certificate or equivalent

c.        a copy of your valid VAT registration certificate (where applicable)

d.       Company’s banking details including a letter from the bank showing the same (with IBAN and/or SWIFT details)

e.        copy of financial statement of the company in the last 2 years

f.          a list of directors/partners/proprietors should be attached.

g.        power of attorney for the official and authorized signatory(ies) of the company

h.       experience in similar field (past and current active contracts with contract values)

i.          company profile including a complete list of your clients and your detailed scope of work / services.

j.          clear address and contact person (should be one of the following: Owner, Director, or CEO level).

k.        a joint venture agreement should be attached where applicable.

l.          copy of your firm’s insurance policy and quality certificates

If you have already submitted your registration documents before, we would kindly ask you to please resubmit the updated documents, in accordance with the list above.

To achieve transparency and provide all interested vendors with an equal opportunity to get registered in CAF’s procurement vendor database, we are also posting the above on CAF website and other social media platforms.

You are kindly requested to submit your response to the above by email to CAF Procurement at while copying CAF Procurement Officer, Mr. Isaac Natakunda: