Fédération Congolaise de Football Association

Congo DR
Founded in 1919, during the colonial era, it has been affiliated to FIFA since 1962 and has been a member of CAF since 1963.
The Fédération congolaise de football association (FECOFA) is a not-for-profit association which acquired legal personality by ministerial decree 461/CAB/Min/J&GS/2003 of 23 June 2003 of the Ministry of Justice and Keeper of the Seals.
The Fédération Congolaise de Football Association - FECOFA for short - has the following aims, objectives and missions on the national territory of the Democratic Republic of Congo:
Collaboration - To create and maintain a link between its members and international organisations (FIFA), continental organisations (CAF), national sporting bodies (Congolese Olympic Committee - COC) and public authorities (the State and the Government via its Ministry responsible for sport).
Authorisations - Issue football-related licences
Justice - Defending the moral and material interests of football in the DRC
Structuring - To organise, develop and monitor the teaching and playing of football
Games - To be the technical body of national football by establishing technical rules
Elections - To make national selections for all categories, genders and forms of football
Head Office
The head office of the Fédération Congolaise de Football Association is located at 31 Avenue de la Justice, in the Commune de la Gombe, in the Province of Kinshasa. It houses the offices of the Comex, the entire federal administration, as well as commissions and other specialist departments.
National Technical Centre
The National Technical Centre of the Fédération Congolaise de Football Association - FECOFA for short - is located at Mikala, in Kinkole in the Commune of N'sele, still in the capital province of Kinshasa. With more than 200 hectares of land at its disposal, the centre houses the administration, a training ground and accommodation for the age-group teams. The CTN is currently engaged in a rehabilitation, extension and diversification project under the direction of the FIFA/CAF Delegation, which is accompanying Fecofa and whose priority for football funding has been given to infrastructure.